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  • 村上良子(むらかみりょうこ
    MURAKAMI, Ryoko.)

村上良子 紬織

(English text below.)

その技術と感性が高く評価され、2006年には京都府無形文化財「紬織」保持者に認定され、さらに 2007年には紫綬褒章を受章。 現在は、創作活動の傍ら後進の指導にも尽力され、倉敷芸術科学大学芸術学部にて染色と織の技術を学生に指導されています。

銀座もとじ和織 2015年人間国宝の染と織展

Tsumugi Weaving

After graduating with a degree in graphic design in 1977, Murakami studied under the living National Treasure Shimura Fukumi for about five years. Under the guidance of her master, Murakami learned the many techniques involved in the weaving of Tsumugi, including the tedious task of hand spinning threads. Dyes made from various plants and trees are also used in Murakami’s work, and combined with her graphic sense of style creates memorable bold color compositions with a notable graphic influence.

Murakami has created her own world and signature style in the work of Tsumugi weaving, and was certified as a holder of the Kyoto Prefecture Intangible Cultural asset award in 2006. Later in 2007 was awarded the Medal with purple ribbon (Awarded to individuals who have contributed to academic and artistic developments, improvements and accomplishments.) by the Japanese government. Once again Murakami was decorated, this time in 2016, becoming a Living National Treasure.

Murakami currently spends her time not only making new works, but also striving to educate the next generation of weavers and dyers at the Kurashiki University of Science and the arts.


Ginza Motoji Waori: Dyeing and Weaving Exhibition of Living National Treasures, 2015

Special exhibition held in 2016

1977年 重要無形文化財保持者 志村ふくみ氏師事
1989年 第36回日本伝統工芸展 東京都知事賞
1999年 日本の工芸〈今〉百選展
2002年 第49回日本伝統工芸展 高松宮記念賞
2004年 日本伝統工芸展鑑査委員
2006年 京都府無形文化財保持者
2007年 紫綬褒章受章