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  • 2024 Tabata Collection Exhibition at Ginza Motoji - Yuzen work by Tabata Kihachi V and the Techniques Namesake, Miyazaki Yuzensai.

2024 Tabata Collection Exhibition at Ginza Motoji - Yuzen work by Tabata Kihachi V and the Techniques Namesake, Miyazaki Yuzensai.

Shōjō (猩猩) with Climbing Carp, Descending Carp; Yuzen, Triptych Hanging Scrolls (Edo Period, Genroku Era 1688–1704)

When one thinks of kimono, they often think of Yuzen. Yuzen is arguably one of Japan's most well-known dyeing techniques and despite being a staple of contemporary kimono culture, it might be younger than you think.

Yuzen flourished in the Genroku Era, at the turn of the 17th century, largely due to the popularity of the fan painter Miyazaki Yuzen (Also known as Miyazaki Yuzensai). Yuzensai was originally a fan painter, but his work was so admired that he later became a popular kimono designer. He is credited with refining and popularizing the surface dyeing technique, Yuzen, which was subsequently named after him.

The Tabata collection celebrates the breadth of historical Japanese dyeing. One of the most precious items in the collection includes the work by Miyazaki Yuzensai himself.

The Tabata family is renowned as a master of Yuzen dyeing, boasting a history of over 200 years. The newly released collection by Tabata Kihachi V embodies the timeless elegance of Yuzen that has been passed down through generations. Enjoy the contemporary beauty of Tabata Kihachi's latest works, while admiring Miyazaki Yuzensai's Triptych.

Shōjō (猩猩) with Climbing Carp, Descending Carp; Yuzen, Triptych Hanging Scrolls (Edo Period, Genroku Era 1688–1704)

This piece is one of the hanging scrolls believed to have been commissioned by Lord Maeda of Kaga, and distributed to various daimyos during his later years in Kanazawa. The scrolls feature depictions of shōjō (a mythical orangutan like spirit.) and carp, with every element, from the characters to the entire mounting, meticulously dyed on a single piece of silk using the Yuzen technique. The vibrant and lively artwork exemplifies the brilliance of Yuzensai's later years, showcasing his exquisite brushwork and masterful techniques.。

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Gallery Talk 

Join Tabata Kihachi V in a talk about his creative process.

(Japanese Only)
Saturday August 24th from 10-11pm
Ginza Motoji Waori Wasen

Exhibited Items; Talk in Detail 

(Japanese Only)
Sunday August 25th from 2-2:30pm
Ginza Motoji Waori Wasen

Meet the Artist

Tabata Kihachi will be in store from 11 to 6 on Saturday 24th,
and again from 11 to 4 on Sunday the 25th.

About Tabata Kihachi V

1935 Born in Kyoto
1959 Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Arts, majoring in Fine Arts
1961 Completed studies in Japanese Painting at Kyoto City University of Arts
1961 Joined Tabata Textile Art Research Institute
1971 Established Tabata Textile Art Research Institute Co., Ltd.
1995 Succeeded as the fifth Tabata Kihachi and became President and CEO
2000 Awarded the Medal of Honor for Distinguished Service in Traditional Craft Industry
2006 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays

Selection of the exhibited work, inspired by the displayed work Miyazaki Yuzensai. 

Kyo-Yuzen Kyusun Nagoya Obi

Impression of a Waterfall

プラチナボーイ 五代 田畑喜八 京友禅 九寸名古屋帯「瀧壺の図」

Kyo-Yuzen Kyusun Nagoya Obi


プラチナボーイ 五代 田畑喜八 京友禅 九寸名古屋帯「地紙散し」

Kyo-Yuzen Kyusun Nagoya Obi


プラチナボーイ 五代 田畑喜八 京友禅 九寸名古屋帯「扇の図」


Read More About Tabata Kihachi V and his Legacy.

"The Reiwa Kanbun Kosode Revival exhibition will be held from Friday, August 25th to Sunday, August 27th, featuring a special kosode based on works from the 350-year-old Tanabata Collection. Using this collection as inspiration, the fifth generation of the Tanabata family, Tanabata Kihachi, has created new kosode for the Reiwa era."

Read More Here

Trends in Time - A look into the Changing Styles of Kosode during the Edo Period


"However, in the early Edo period, during the Keicho era(1596 to July 1615.), kosode took on a different style compared to previous generations. There emerged sections with dynamic elements such as cloud and mountain shapes. The background was no longer merely a backdrop but often played a role as a pattern that contributed to the overall design."

Read Here

Tabata Kihachi & GINZA MOTOJI featured on NHK WORLD (2023)

《動画公開中》NHK WORLD「FRONTRUNNERS」が五代 田畑喜八さんを特集|メディア

"FRONTRUNNERS highlights professionals at the very forefront of their field. We showcase their amazing work, discover their motivations, and learn about the challenges they face in the future." 

Watch Here


五代 田畑喜八さんのぎゃらりートークを開催しました|今日の店主
Tabata Kihachi V with Ginza Motojis founder, Motoji Koumei, and the Current Director, Motoji Keita in 2018.

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