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  • 荒川眞理子(あらかわまりこ
    ARAKAWA, Mariko.)

ARAKAWA, Mariko.
荒川眞理子 型絵染

(English text below.)

銀座もとじ和染 2018年個展開催
2020年 40周年記念展出品
2021年 銀座の柳染展出品

ARAKAWA, Mariko.
Stencil Dyeing

Born in Otaru City, Hokkaido in 1952, Arakawa Mariko is a lover of all things craft. As a maker has been influenced by her mother’s love of kimono since she was a small child.
Arakawa began creating both kimono and obi during her time in the Crafts Department of Joshibi University of Art and Design. She also studied weaving and dyeing under renowned craft masters Yanagi Yoshitaka and Yunoki Samiro.
Arakawa came across Bingata, the tradition stencil dying of Okinawa, at the Japan Folk Art Museum. She fell in love with the technique, and then began to focus on stencil dyeing in her own work.
The graphic patterns and vivid colors of her work are unlike other creators, and her illustrative style has captured the hearts of many. Arakawa creates her works with the wearer in mind, and is lauded for her ability to balance elegance with a dash of kawaii.
1952年 北海道小樽市に生まれる
1970年 女子美術大学工芸科入学、柳悦孝氏と柚木沙弥郎氏に師事
1993年 子育てによる休業期間を挟み創作活動を再開