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  • 綿薩摩(めんさつま

綿薩摩 宮崎県

(English text below.)

綿薩摩は、薩摩絣や薩摩木綿とも呼ばれる、大島紬と同じ「締機」技法により精緻な絣柄を織りだした木綿の織物。宮崎県都城市の東郷織物創始者である故・永江明夫氏によりこの世に誕生しました。 「綿薩摩 手織絣 誠実無比」 かの武者小路実篤氏が永江明夫氏の綿薩摩を身にまとった時、その余りにも素晴らしい肌触りと類のない着心地のよさ、そして絣柄の素晴らしさに感動し自ら書き贈った言葉です。 「誠実無比」は、綿薩摩作りに半生を捧げた永江明夫氏の人柄そのものを言い表したものでもあります。糸一本一本にこだわり、絣一つ一つにこだわり、すべての人の憧れとなる織物を作り上げようと織物一筋に傾けてきた情熱が、「幻の綿薩摩」と呼ばれる作品の数々を生み出しました。 経糸に80番手、緯糸に60番手という極細の糸を用いており、軽く、しっとりと肌に吸い付くようなしなやかな風合いは、カジュアルな綿のイメージとは全く違う、綿薩摩ならではの魅力を放っています。

Miyazaki Prefecture

Nicknamed the diamond of cotton due to its rarity and luxurious luster,
One you put it on, you won’t be able to take it off.

Men-Satsuma, is sometimes also called Satsuma- Kasuri or even Satsuma-momen. The beautiful soft and luxurious kimono made from Men-Satsuma have amassed fans nationwide for decades. Men-Satsuma is made with the same Shimebata techniques used to make Oshima Tsumugi. The threads are woven on the loom once to bind them, and then after dyed are woven once again.
Men-Satsuma was created by Nagae Akio, the founder of the weaving company Togo Orimono which is based in Miyakonojo City in Miyazaki. When the highly celebrated novelist and playwright Mushanokoji Sanaetsu first wore one of Nagaes cotton kimono, he was so impressed by its stunning patterns and unparalleled comfort。Thereafter Mushanokoji famously said, there is no match for true sincerity.
Unlike other cotton kimono, the thread used to make Men-Satsuma is extremely fine, the warp yarn is 80 count and the weft yarn is 60 count.
Lightweight and extremely supple, the cotton grows and evolves with the wearer and even looks completely different to other cotton kimonos.