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  • 森康次(もりやすつぐ

森康次 刺繍



銀座もとじ和染 2012年、2014年、2015年、2016年、2018年個展開催

MORI, Yasutsugu.

By looking at things closely, we can truly see their form.
The beauty of the world expressed through embroidery.

Born in 1946 in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Mori began working in the family embroidery business at the age of 15. At that time, the role of embroidery was only as an embellishment for yuzen, but gradually his desire to create works in which embroidery played a leading role grew.

He began to study sketching and watercolor painting. He often says, "I want to look at things carefully and give form to their life." This phrase expresses his desire to give form to what he senses with his five senses and which is difficult to form. He also says the same thing about color, "I think colors are so beautiful that it is hard to describe them in one word. All colored threads for embroidery are dyed by Mr. Mori himself, and more than 2,500 colors of threads are neatly arranged in a dreamlike gradation in the drawer dedicated to threads in his workshop. The colors and brightness of the embroidery threads are kept to a minimum to create gentle and gentle kimonos. The elegant kimonos are timeless and have true charm.

Ginza Moji Japanese Dyeing Solo exhibitions in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2018
2015 35th Anniversary Exhibition
Exhibiting at the 40th anniversary exhibition in 2020

1946年 京都市中京区に生まれる
1961年 家業である「ぬい屋」と呼ばれる刺繍業に従事
1966年 和装デザイナー 松尾馨氏に師事
1974年 日本画家 桑野むつ子氏に師事し写生と水彩画を習う
1975年 京都市伝統工芸技術コンクールに出品 以後、様々な公募展に出品し、受賞
1989年 日本伝統工芸会の正会員の認定を受ける
現在 社団法人 日本工芸会正会員 アトリエ森繍 主幹